Art, Music, Biz & Emerging Technology

Speaker Panels

Discover Art, Music, and Technology at the NFT MSP Culture Convergence 2024

Join industry leaders, innovators, and thought leaders for three impactful days of discussions, insights, and exploration of the latest trends in blockchain, Web3, AI, and other areas impacting the music, art, and entertainment industries.

Brandon Ferdig
Violetta Zironi


Welcome to Blockchain Technology

Blockchain Experts:

  • Brandon Ferdig (Minnesota Blockchain Initiative)

  • Chad Jamrozy (Quantum Lex Paralegal & Blockchain Enthusiast)

  • Elizabeth Kukka, CEO of Purpose for Profit (DAO for ESG Token)

  • Chris Pederson (NFT MSP Founder & Organizer)

Kickstart the festival with a comprehensive introduction to blockchain technology. Learn how blockchain reshapes industries from finance to art and what the future holds for this revolutionary technology.

6:30 pm - 7:30 pm


Intellectual Property, Copyright, & AI

Presented by Merchant & Gould - Intellectual Property Law Attorneys

Explore the critical intersection of intellectual property, copyright law, and artificial intelligence. This panel will address the challenges and opportunities in protecting digital creations in a rapidly evolving tech landscape.

10:00 am - 11:00 am


Tax, Business, & Finance Strategies for Emerging Tech

Experienced Business & Finance :

  • Steve Heintz, CPA of Heintz & Clark (Business & Tax Consultants)

  • Elizabeth Kukka, CEO of Purpose for Profit (DAO for ESG Token)

  • John Hayden of Quantum Lex (Blockchain & Technology Legal Council)

Understand the financial implications of emerging technologies like blockchain, AI, and NFTs. This session will cover essential tax strategies, business planning, and financial management for tech entrepreneurs and investors.

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm


The Societal Impact of Emerging Technology

Societal Innovators:

  • Rafael Mojden, Chief Impact Officer of Erdös Associates (Social Impact Consulting)

  • Elizabeth Kukka, CEO of Purpose for Profit (DAO for ESG Token)

  • Troy Benjegerdes, Farmer and Founder of 7 Elements, LLC (Foodchain Farmers Market Project)

  • Chris Pederson (NFT MSP Founder & Organizer)

Delve into the broader societal impacts of technology. This discussion will explore ethical considerations, societal changes, and the role of technology in shaping our future communities.

5:30 pm - 6:30 pm


10:30 am - 11:30 am

Web3 Gaming: Disorder of the Villains + CAYC

Web3 Gaming Pioneers:

  • Chris Pederson (NFT MSP Founder & Organizer)

  • Scott "Bob" Iski (Unreal Kingdoms)

  • Bill Crockett - Digital Entertainment Strategist

Explore how Web3 and blockchain technology are revolutionizing the gaming industry. From decentralized platforms to NFT-based game assets, this panel offers a glimpse into the future of interactive entertainment.


Music in a Web3 World: Revolutionizing the Music Biz

Music Industry Disruptors:

  • Jillian Valentin & Alex Viruet (Megadeth Digital)

  • Violetta Zironi (Singer, Songwriter and NFT collections)

  • Spottie WiFi (NFT Music Pioneer)

  • Brock “Peanut” (LongLost NFT LLC)

Learn how Web3 technologies are transforming the music industry. Discover new models for distribution, fan engagement, and revenue generation in a decentralized world.

12:30 pm - 1:30 pm


3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

NFT Marketing: Strategies for Success in the Digital Marketplace

NFT Marketing Experts:

  • Bill Crockett (Unreal Kingdoms & Quirkies)

  • Chelsea Chung - (World of Women)

  • Nathaniel Thoreson (NFT Brand Consultant)

  • Matt Kramer (Event Co-Organizer, Web3 Tech Consultant, Tech Co-founder)

Master the art of NFT marketing with insights from industry experts. This panel will cover best practices, innovative strategies, and tips for promoting digital assets in a competitive marketplace.